
A View From High Above

Changing a point of view can be really inspiring and an eye opening experience. It might lead to an unique adventure that will make you question your own perspective. It doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t mean that you need to change your whole view of the world. This might simply make your day much more interesting. The key for this kind of experience is to let your mind wander towards different places, and mesmerizing landscapes. That is exactly where Howar Lau have found the inspiration for his amazing series that allows people to take on the viewpoint of birds.

This “amateur photographer”, as he refers to himself, is working as a Designer retoucher from the late 90s to a graphic and publishing production specialist today. The inspiring photos of birds perspective, entitled “Proud Wanderer”, might be linked to aerial photography. This kind of photography is one of the most challenging forms of photography, as well as needing technical skills, such as being able to expose correctly, aerial photographers generally need good field craft skills. Although, “Proud Wanderer” can be linked to this kind of photography, there is something very different between those two.

These inspiring photos made us imagine how it would be if we had the power of flying. It gave us the view over the cities that refers to freedom and the beauty of it. Instead of looking a birds form a distant vantage point, Howard’s series captures the birds in mid flight from the perspective of another bird trailing along. This bird’s eye view lets us see the world in the same manner as a bird, and the images are fascinating. We follow along as we dive through trees, soar above cities, and glide over open fields. So there are a lot of reasons not to consider this amazing artist as an amateur photographer in a way he thinks of himself.

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