
Real Life Instagram: Transporting Instagram Filters Directly Into Reality

Have you ever wonder what would happen if we all started behaving in real life in a way we behave on social networks? Poking people, commenting them or following, showing thumbs up every now and then? It would be kind of weird, wouldn’t it?

Real life Instagram is a project that shows fun of transforming reality to show it on social networks. This project started Brazilian artist / photographer Bruno Ribeiro, based in London. Traditional photography with actual cameras was replaced with a handy camera we all have on our smartphones, and it seems we can’t avoid slapping a filter on every photo we take. Instagram is the leader when it comes to photos, filters and sharing. We all know how difficult is to disconnect digital world from every day, and that is what Real life instagram project is about. The filters that are attached to streetlight posts and other municipal objects, are basically square lighting gels in cardboard frames that look like Instagram posts, and the idea is that people take smartphone photos through them. It might seem easier to use real Instagram if you have a smartphone, though of course then you’d be missing the deep commentary on real vs. virtual worlds. Transporting Instagram filters, but also the interface, directly into reality made Bruno Ribeiro’s idea quite interesting.

Riberio works in advertising currently at AKQA in London, and in free time he makes difference in the world of photography The things that he’s taking photos of are very different but each one of them is certainly interesting. “To me, photography is an art of observation. It is about finding something interesting in an ordinary place”. So, let’s take a look in some of his amazing work.

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